I made the Wall Street Journal!

“Felicity Carter was editor-in-chief of Meininger’s Wine Business International for more than a decade until she joined the Drop as executive editor this past February. Launched this June, the Drop is the online wine magazine of Pix, a Napa-based search engine/information platform for wine buyers. Ms. Carter is particularly keen to counter what she calls the “pseudoscience” of wine writing and marketing, particularly with regard to wine and health. “One of my goals is to make sure that anything we publish is science-based,” she said.

Ms. Carter’s purview extends to articles that appeal to non-geeks (red wines for summer, wine horoscopes). But many of the Drop’s offerings, especially those in the “Explainer” section, hold greater geek appeal. For example, writer and blogger Jeff Siegel explores such geeky topics as the marketing of Trader Joe’s Two Buck Chuck and why it costs so much to ship a case of wine. Of the latter, he notes: “Retailers and producers must get licenses from each state they ship to, and they may also need federal permits. So a winery in California that ships to 10 states must send copies of its license and permits to each state, complete each state’s paperwork, pay any state licensing fees, and then send copies of all of that to the shipping companies. And that’s before any wine leaves the winery.” Anyone interested in making educated decisions at the wine store could benefit from this perspective.”

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